I am a professor for media informatics at the University of Munich (Germany). The main focus of my research is on context-sensitive advertising, implicit and explicit interaction with public displays, and on exploring pervasive displays as a future communication medium. I am an organizer of the international workshop series and co-editor of the Springer book on Pervasive Advertising. I served on the organizing committee and reviewed for various research conferences in pervasive computing and HCI. I hold a Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart and a diploma degree in Media Informatics from the University of Munich, Germany. Prior to joining the University of Munich I worked as a post-doc at the University of Stuttgart (Germany), as a research associate  at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), as a web developer for Pinnacle Systems, Inc. in Mountain View (US), and as an IT specialist for Schreiner MediPharm LP in New York (US). I am an ACM member.

Professional Experience

since 10/2013 Assistant Professor
Group for Median Informatics, University of Munich
I hold a full-time appointment as an assistant professor in the group for media informatics (Medieninformatik). I am researching at the crossroads of ubiquitous computing and HCI. My particular research interests are on open pervasive displays, cognitive effects of interaction, 3D displays, and usable security.
01/2012 – 09/2013 Senior Researcher (Post-Doc) / Research Associate
Group for Human-Computer Interaction, Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (SimTech),
University of Stuttgart
I held a full-time appointment as a research associate (since 01/2013 as post-doc) in the group for Human-Computer Interaction (Mensch-Computer Interaktion), teaching and researching in the area of HCI and pervasive computing. My particular research interests were on pervasive displays and context-sensitive advertising.
03/2012 – 10/2012 Guest Lecturer
Johann-Kepler University, Linz
In summer 2013 I am teaching the course ‘Unconventional User Interfaces’. My responsibilities include creating the teaching material, assignments, and exams as well as giving lectures and tutorials.
03/2012 – 10/2012 Guest Lecturer
University of Duisburg-Essen
I held an assignment as lecturer for the course ‘Pervasive Computing’ (summer term 2012). My responsibilities included creating the teaching material, assignments, and exams as well as giving lectures and tutorials.
12/2010 – 05/2011 Visiting Researcher
Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Technical University of Berlin
In 2011 I was a visiting research in the group of Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller at the Telekom Innovation Labs in Berlin. During my appointment I co-edited the book “Pervasive Advertising” (Springer HCI Series) and investigated interaction with public displays.
04/2008 – 12/2008 Research Associate
Group for Pervasive Computing and User Interface Engineering, Paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen
I held a full-time appointment as researcher and PhD student in the group for “Pervasive Computing and User Interface Engineering”. In teaching I was responsible for creating learning material and giving courses and lectures. In research I was engaged in the European project ‘PD-Net’ (www.pd-net.org). In addition I acquired and supervised research projects.
12/2007 – 03/2008 IT Specialist
Schreiner MediPharm LP, New York, US
During my appointment I was responsible for setting up and maintaining the IT infrastructure (network, telephone system, access control) of the company’s new manufacturing site in Northern America.



since 01/2012 University of Stuttgart, Germany
PhD student
Dissertation: A Design Space for Pervasive Advertising on Public Displays
Research focus: implicit and explicit interaction with public displays, pervasive advertising
04/2008 – 12/2011 University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
PhD student
Research focus: mobile user interfaces, automotive user interfaces, public displays as future communication medium
09/2001 – 09/2007 University of Munich, Germany
Major: Media Informatics
Minor: Communication Science.
02/2007 – 09/2007 Fraunhofer IAIS, Bonn, Germany
Diploma Thesis
Title: An Annotation Platform for the World Wide Web
02/2001 – 01/2007 Schreiner Group, Munich, Germany
Student Trainee
Purchase, IT support, and administration.
11/2005 – 06/2006 Klinikum rechts der Isar (Hospital), Munich, Germany
Project Thesis
Title: Implicit Annotations and Self-Explanatory Medical Images
02/2005 – 09/2005 Pinnacle Systems, Inc. / Avid Technologies, Mountain View, US
Web development with AJAX and PHP
09/1999 – 08/2001 Technical University of Munich, Germany
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Business Administration