
Supervised Bachelor Theses

  1. Yunus Emre Yavuz
    Alerting Users to Phishing Threats: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Warning Techniques
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 01.07.2024
  2. Veselin Petkov
    Entwicklung einer Taxonomie für Cyber Security Incidents
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 28.06.2024
  3. Benjamin Breunig
    Physiological Reactions to Deepfake Videos
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.06.2024
  4. Sarah Winterberg
    Designing a Social Companion for Cyber Security
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 30.05.2024
  5. Eva Hemauer
    Offline (Quantum) Key Distribution for Local Quantum Networks
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 12.05.2024
  6. Florian Schmitt
    FOCUS - Identifying Opportune Moments Using a Multi Sensor Office Chair
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 09.04.2024
  7. Sangyoon Han
    Investigating Door-opening Behaviour for User Authentication in a Longitudinal Study
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 04.04.2024
  8. Daniel Schmölling
    Cybersecurity inside the Mailbox: Assessing the Effectiveness of Technical Aids for Phishing Defense
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.04.2024
  9. Ramona Pfundtner
    Defining a Design Space for Deceptive Patterns in Augmented Reality
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 23.03.2024
  10. Adam Kelemen
    Investigating the Effect of Contextual Factors on Phishing Susceptibility
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 05.12.2023
  11. Tatjana Omelina
    Understanding Gaze Behaviour during Authentication
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 20.11.2023
  12. Ramona Pfundtner
    Defining a Design Space for Deceptive Patterns in Augmented Reality
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 02.11.2023
  13. Bodo Sommerfeld
    Evaluation der Benutzbarkeit digitaler Finanzdienste (A Usability Evaluation of the Ethereum Name Service)
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 14.10.2023
  14. Simon Marat
    Untersuchung des Einflusses von Musik auf das Tippverhalten auf einer Tastatur
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 21.08.2023
  15. Visar Curraj
    Trust in Facial Authentication
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 11.08.2023
  16. Aleksandar Lucic
    Measuring Security Behaviour Field Study
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 02.08.2023
  17. Fabian Rohr
    Warning Users About Online Fake Shops: An In-the-Wild Comparison of Several User Interfaces
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 21.07.2023
  18. Timo Weisbarth
    Prototyping a Tangible User Interface for Quantum Key Distribution
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 12.07.2023
  19. Til Fabian Eichler
    Setting the Stage: Centralized privacy management application for private usage
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 19.06.2023
  20. Raffael Wiethe
    Ell-IoT: A Privacy and Security Guide for Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 05.06.2023
  21. Elena Bank
    Visualisierung von QKD-Infrastruktur am Beispiel MuQuaNet
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 29.05.2023
  22. Lukas Süsslin
    Visualizing and Counteracting Touch Overlap during Public Display Interaction
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 30.03.2023
  23. Sven Keineke
    User Perception and User Trust in Facial Authentication
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 28.03.2023
  24. Maximilian Eckert
    Typo-Tolerant Keystroke Authentication: A Machine Learning Approach Using a Keyboard Space Layout
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 15.03.2023
  25. Daniel Riesner
    Mimic-based (Im)plausible Deniability for Android
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 27.02.2023
  26. Violetta Maier
    Can a Change in Physiological Values Be Detected When Individuals Are Exposed to Deepfakes?
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 01.01.2023
  27. Stela Yontcheva
    Investigating the Influence of Thermal Cameras Form Factor on User Acceptance and Privacy Perception
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 07.12.2022
  28. Paul Felkner
    Social Acceptability of Shoulder Surfing Mitigation Techniques
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.12.2022
  29. Mariia Moiseenkova
    Investigating Attackers Behavior and Techniques in Social Engineering
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.12.2022Ru
  30. Gabriel Budan
    Can Public Display Increase Social Engineering Awareness?
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 02.12.2022
  31. Shady Mansour
    Am I Being Watched? Bystander Awareness During Productivity Tasks in Virtual Reality
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 14.11.2022
  32. Linus Stetter
    Supporting the Understanding of Quantum Key Distribution Through Tangible User Interfaces
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 27.10.2022
  33. Axel Amrehn
    Investigating the Impact of Personality Traits on Social Engineering Attack Susceptibility
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 22.10.2022
  34. Jan Obernolte
    Exploring Gaze and Gesture Interactions in Augmented Reality
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 30.09.2022
  35. Fangqi Zhou
    Influence of emotions on the shopping behavior of people in VR environments
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 30.09.2022
  36. Xueru Zheng
    Evaluation of an Emotion Editor Tool
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 19.09.2022
  37. Thu Mai Nguyen
    Enhancement of an Emotion Editor Tool
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 14.09.2022
  38. Xheneta Krasniqi
    Investigating the Influence of Facial Recognition Robustness on Users’ Perception
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 09.09.2022
  39. Melina Bregenzer
    The Door Decides: Investigating Human-Door Interaction Behaviour for Authentication
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 31.08.2022
  40. Alessia Fischer
    Investigating Shoulder Surfing in the Wild
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 02.08.2022
  41. Anh Dao Phuong
    Describing Target Groups for Tangible Privacy Mechanisms
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 01.08.2022
  42. Ante Popic
    Remote VR Eye-Tracking Studies: Challenges and Opportunities of Conducting Eye-Tracking Studies Remotely
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 23.06.2022
  43. Gabriel Knoll
    Management and Revocation of Privacy Permissions for Android Applications
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.06.2022
  44. Nikola Bohdansky
    Emotions In VR While Doing Tasks
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 21.04.2022
  45. Enes Tekin
    Investigating Users Acceptance and Concerns of Monitoring Devices in Work Context
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 04.03.2022
  46. Christoph Patzelt
    Dangerous Moments for Checking Mail - Investigating the Influence of Daytime and Situational Context on Phishing Vulnerability
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 15.02.2022
  47. Arbnor Llapatinca
    Exploring how avatar gender impacts interpersonal distance in a social VR setting
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 14.02.2022
  48. Timo Döding
    Authentication for Smart Home Visitors
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 07.01.2022
  49. Leonhard Ziegler
    Konzeption und Implementierung eines Dashboards fur sichere Fallback und Recovery Authentifizierung
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 03.01.2022
  50. Anna-Maria Brandtner
    Discrimination through Artificial Intelligence
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 22.12.2021
  51. Phuong Khanh Huynh
    Remote Eye-Tracking Studies: Challenges and Opportunities of Conducting Eye-Tracking Studies out of the Lab
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 17.12.2021
  52. Cihan Coskun
    Thermal imaging privacy concerns and perception by the public
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 30.11.2021
  53. David Weyenshops
    Identifying Phishing Attempts from Users Mouse Movement and Gaze Behavior while Reading Phishing Emails
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 19.11.2021
  54. Jonas Winter
    Exploring novel user interface concepts to enhance the hygiene of public touchscreens
    University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Date of Submission: 01.11.2021
  55. Yufan Lu
    Improving User Interfaces for Mobile Cryptocurrencies Wallets
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 20.10.2021
  56. Jing Zhang
    HomeDefense: A Serious Game to Enhance Secuirty Awareness in Smart Home Systems
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 27.09.2021
  57. Celina Lübben
    Extracting Touch Timing Data from Shoulder Surfing Videos using 3D Hand Reconstructions
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 21.09.2021
  58. Tarek Ammar
    Virtual Shoulder-Surfing: Investigating Attacker Behavior in VR
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 06.09.2021
  59. Pia Prodan
    Controlling and Designing for Emotions in Virtual Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 26.08.2021
  60. Malek Arous
    Investigating the Effect of Gender on Proxemics in Virtual Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 20.08.2021
  61. Axel Kettler
    Authentication Schemes in Virtual Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 03.08.2021
  62. Patick Schnitzer
    Exploring State-of-the-art Smart Home Devices and User Reviews
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 02.08.2021
  63. Simon Jäger
    Investigating the usage of commercial physiological sensors to extensively collect data from work environments
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 28.06.2021
  64. Hedi Ajimi
    Phishing Link Awareness: Investigating Different Phishing Link Alerting Mechanisms in Emails
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 24.06.2021
  65. Alaa Musleh
    Understanding Cognitive Load of Individuals in Virtual Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 22.06.2021
  66. Ismael Prieto Romero
    Influencing Users‘ Keyoard-Input via Magnetic Fields
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 21.06.2021
  67. Vinko Markovic
    Virtual Reality in Non-typical Scenarios
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 06.06.2021
  68. Marco Asbeck
    How does the interface design affect users in textual password choice
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 30.04.2021
  69. Johanna Geissler
    From Traditional Login to Zero Trust: Exploring the Impact of Feedback for Continuous Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 21.03.2021
  70. Robert Hagobjan
    Investigating the Integration of Music Production in Mixed Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 10.02.2021
  71. Christian Reiner
    Biometric Authentication for Blockchain Applications: Design and Concept Evaluation for Enhanced User Security
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 11.12.2020
  72. Yumeng Zhou
    Social VR: A proximity study investigating the effect of relationship, gender, age on interpersonal distance in online virtual world
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 17.11.2020, [Paper]
  73. Christoph Bathon
    Exploring the effect of subliminal priming on consumer behavior in mobile applications
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 11.11.2020
  74. Elisaveta Karypidou
    Phishing in 2020: Investigating Suspicious Content through Crowdsourcing Personal Experiences
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 05.11.2020
  75. Ryan Steimer
    Exploring Mouse Movements and Eye Gaze Behaviour while reading Phishing Emails
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 30.10.2020
  76. Yanfei Hu Fleischhauer
    Gaze and Pen Interaction on Tablet Devices
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 29.09.2020
  77. Moritz Teuschel
    Transaction Status Visualization Concepts for Cryptocurrencies
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 18.09.2020
  78. Arian Weber
    Design and Implementation of a Payment Service System for Trustful E-Commerce using Cryprocurrencies
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 31.08.2020
  79. Philippe Schroeder
    Gaze-based Interaction with real-world Objects in Augmented Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 17.07.2020, [Paper]
  80. Leon Müller
    Exploring Immersive Modified Reality – Design Space, Toolkit and Applications
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 24.06.2020, [Paper]
  81. Pauline Leininger
    Exploring Interaction and Visualisation Techniques in Mixed Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 24.06.2020
  82. Helen Heimann
    Understanding the Impact of Modified Reality on the User
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 24.06.2020
  83. Daniel Panangian
    User Identification using Capacitive Sensing in Smart Homes
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 15.06.2020
  84. Christian Gessner
    Extending Tablet based Design Applications to Mixed Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 11.06.2020
  85. Yara Fanger
    Exploring Piano Playing in Virtual Reality: Impact and Potential
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 10.06.2020, [Paper]
  86. Rupert Oxenius
    Imitation Game: Exploring Intentional Behaviour Modifications in the Wild
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 05.06.2020
  87. Lisa Borchert
    Investigating Environmental Influence on User States in Augmented Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 03.06.2020, [Paper]
  88. Johannes Schütte
    Have you used this password before? Investigating gaze behaviour to detect password reuse
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 31.03.2020
  89. Quy Dat Nguyen
    Analyse von Körperbewegungen für Nutzeridentifikation
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 17.03.2020
  90. Felix Gutjahr
    Exploring Seed Phrase Storage Concepts for Usable Blockchain Interfaces
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 04.02.2020, [Paper]
  91. Elias Amort
    "3D Pass" - Authentication in a Smart Home Environment
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 23.01.2020
  92. Stephan Kniep
    Privacy Mental Models of Smart Homes
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 23.01.2020
  93. Tim Spang
    Smart Kitchen Opportunities & Challenges
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 23.01.2020
  94. Nini Nguyen
    Dynamic Security Questions in Smart Environments
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 22.01.2020, [Paper]
  95. Elizabeth Bouquet
    Calibration-Free Gaze-Based Interaction Techniques for Smartphones
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 19.01.2020
  96. Robin Piening
    Gaze-based Information Interface in Augmented Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 08.12.2019, [Paper]
  97. Vanessa Voit
    Datensatz über Ganzkörperbewegungserfassung für Benutzeridentifikation
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 12.11.2019
  98. Alexander Hiesinger
    Gaze Calibration During Mobile Phone Authentification
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 01.11.2019
  99. Felix Kakuschke
    Leveraging the Role of Gaze During Password Verification
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 27.09.2019
  100. Hannah Maier
    Enhancing Design Applications with Gaze Interaction in Virtual Reality
    Bundeswehr University Munich, Date of Submission: 14.07.2019
  101. Carolin Schuppe
    Comparing usability of different multi-factor authentication models
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 10.06.2019
  102. Marcel Diepold
    Auswirkung von Subliminalen Stimuli auf die Entscheidungsfindung
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 12.12.2018
  103. Abdullatif Dinc
    3D drawing on 2D pen-and-touch devices
    Bundeswehr University, Date of submission: 23.04.2019
  104. Thomas Mayer
    Eye Gaze Interaction for a Mobile Text Application
    Bundeswehr University / LMU Munich, Date of submission: 25.03.2019
  105. Jan Obernolte
    Investigating Mid-Air Stylus Interaction
    Bundeswehr University, Date of submission: 25.03.2019
  106. Mathias Kiermeier
    Explicit Behavior Variations for Passwords on Mobile Devices
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 09.11.2018 [Paper]
  107. Peter Ehrich
    Analyzing user behaviour in problem solving tasks using a smartwatch
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 17.10.2018 [Paper]
  108. Sarah Delgado Rodriguez
    Reauthentication Concepts for Biometric Authentication Systems on Mobile Devices
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 04.10.2018 [Paper]
  109. Felix Hamann
    Implementierung und Evaluation einer virtuellen Lernplattform
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 03.09.2018, [PDF]
  110. Bill Bapisch
    Comparison of TextPursuits and 5-Point calibration
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 27.06.2018
  111. Johannes Sylupp
    EyePiano: Using Eye Tracking to automate half-page turning of digital music scores
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 03.09.2018
  112. Hai Ngoai Jens Le
    Comparing Authentication Methods for Situated Displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 07.03.2018
  113. Maximilian Graf
    Developing a Control Interface for a Smart Energy Living Lab Through User-Centered Design
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 05.03.2017
  114. Jerome Pönisch
    Entwicklung einer web-basierten Benutzerschnittstelle für Smart Grid Umgebungen
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 28.02.2017
  115. Daniela Hammerl
    Sprachen lernen auf mobilen Endgeräten: Erhöhung des Lernerfolgs durch subliminale Reize
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 19.01.2018
  116. Andy Krueger
    Guiding Smartphone Holding Posture
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 16.01.2018
  117. Andrea Ngao
    Gaze-based Authentication in Virtual Reality
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 26.10.2017
  118. Karina Serres
    Gestaltung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Emotionen während der Fahrt
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 25.09.2017
  119. Jason Thies
    In-Car Emotion Induction Methods - Comparing Different Designs to Induce Confusion
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 25.09.2017
  120. Florian Thoma
    ResearchIME 2.0: A Touchscreen Keyboard Application for User Studies with Remote Configuration
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 20.04.2017
  121. Andreas Griesbeck
    Mobile App-based Authentication Mechanisms in the Wild
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 31.03.2017
  122. Anita Baier
    Investigating how people hold their mobile devices measured by the perception of the front facing camera
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 14.03.2017 [Paper]
  123. Marinus Burger
    PIN Authentication for Virtual Reality - A Breakdown on Usability and Security
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 19.12.2016 [Paper]
  124. Henri Schmidt
    Pattern Locks in Virtual Reality: Exploring Usable Security for Authentication Cases
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 19.12.2016 [Paper]
  125. Thomas Mattusch
    Gaze tracking on mobile devices
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 18.11.2016 [Paper]
  126. Klaus-Peter Seher
    Untersuchung von Nutzerbedenken gegenüber Logdaten im Kontext interaktiver Displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 18.11.2016
  127. Peter von Niebelschuetz
    Implicit Augmentation of Mobile Communication using Physiological Data
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 15.11.2016 [Paper]
  128. Calvin Hoenes
    Predicting Hand Posture using Zoom and Rotation Gestures
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 04.10.2016
  129. Rebecca Linke
    Förderung der Lesemotivation von Kindern durch die Kombination von digitalen und physischen Elementen einer hybriden Buch-App
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 23.09.2016 [Paper]
  130. Susanne Friedl
    BrainAtWork: Investigating Engagement and Interruptions in Software Development - Using EEG Data and Task Logging
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 01.09.2016 [Paper]
  131. Philipp Piwowarsky
    Innovating user experience of a mobile credit card balance check for increased customer loyalty
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 31.08.2016
  132. Cedric Quintes
    Adapting Graphical User Interfaces to Varying Contexts and Levels of Attention
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 28.07.2016
  133. Oliver Duerr
    Supporting Eldery People In Using Smartphone Applications
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 28.04.2016 [Paper]
  134. Julia Vehns
    Benutzerverhalten im Kontext interaktiver Displays mit Kaufoption in der realen Welt
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 02.02.2016 [Paper]
  135. Katharina Stolz
    Gaze-based Voting in (Semi-)Public Areas
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 23.12.2015
  136. Valentina Visintini
    Developing an Ambient Feedback Concept to Raise Awareness of Energy Consumption in an Office Space
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 18.12.2015
  137. Eva Brass
    Beobachten der Beobachter: Untersuchung des Shoulder Surfing Risikos in der Wildnis
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 01.11.2015
  138. Regina Hasholzner
    EyeLock: Multimodal User Authentication Using Gaze and Touch on Unmodified Mobile Devices
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 29.10.2015 [Paper]
  139. David Heuss
    Predicting User Behavior in Front of Public Displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 18.08.2015, [Paper – under submission]
  140. Lukas Mecke
    The Audience Funnelizer - A Tool to Measure and Increase the Success of Public Display Installations
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 08.12.2014 [Paper]
  141. Melanie Gail
    Context-sensitive Modalities for Interaction with Large Screens
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 06.11.2014
  142. Anna Steiger
    Comparison of two whole-body gesture sets for spontaneous interaction on public displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 25.08.2014
  143. Michael Spitzer
    Video-recording Our Life based on Contextual Information
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 30.06.2014 [Paper]
  144. Gino Gravanis
    SweetSpot 2.0 - Guiding Public Display Users in Hands-Free Interaction Settings
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 31.05.2014 [Paper]
  145. Sandra Zollner
    I Was Here: Understanding the Impact of Design and Effort on Users' Posting Behavior on Public Displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 10.04.2014
  146. Verena Lindner
    High fidelity prototyping for stereoscopic 3D displays
    LMU Munich, Date of submission: 31.03.2014 [Paper]
  147. Vethiga Srikanthan
    Evaluierung des Einflusses von Interaktivität auf die Merkfähigkeit mit mobilen Geräten
    University of Stuttgart, Date of submission: 24.07.2013
  148. Stefan Legien
    Entwicklung eines adaptiven Display-Clients für eine kontextsensitive Werbeplattform
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 31.10.2011
  149. Christian Heiming
    Entwicklung einer mobilen Applikation zur Integration in eine kontext-sensitive Werbeplattform
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 19.09.2011
  150. Andreas Bungert
    Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur Verhaltensanalyse mit Videos aus multiplen Perspektiven für den Einsatz bei Kindern mit Autismus
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 28.10.2010 [Paper]
  151. Thomas Kubitza
    Webplattform für Kontext-basiertesTicket-Sharing im öffentlichen Nah- und Fernverkehr
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 21.09.2010 [Paper]
  152. Michael Tomaszewski
    Einsatz von Indoor - Positionierungssystemen in sozialen Netzwerken
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 28.04.2010
  153. Lars Schaaf
    Exploring connectivity options for interaction with public displays
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 22.03.2010
  154. Fabian Schulte
    Micro-Entertainment im Fahrzeug basierend auf Kontextdaten
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 08.02.2010 [Paper]
  155. Pouyan Parvahan
    Fahrzeuginformationen in sozialen Netzwerken
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 23.09.2009
  156. Yordan Terziev
    Neuartige Authentifizierungstechniken basierend auf Eye Tracking - Einsatz von blickbasierter Eingabe und grafischen Passwörtern an öffentlichen Terminals
    University of Duisburg-Essen, Date of submission: 23.09.2009 [Paper]