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Privacy Awareness and Control User Interfaces in the Ubicomp Age
Invited Talks at Kings College London, 05.06.2023
Where Ubicomp Meets Usable Security - Novel Security User Interfaces based on User Behavior and Physiology
Invited Talks at the University of Bremen, 15.05.2023
Usable Security for Intelligent Environments
Invited Talks at the VDI Arbeitskreis Internet-Sicherheit, 02.02.2022
Behavioral Security – Challenges and Opportunities of Behavioral Biometrics from an HCI Perspective
Invited Talk at the Graphics Interfaces 2021 conference, 28.05.2021
Usable VR Privacy - Das Spannungsfeld zwischen den Möglichkeiten Virtueller Realitäten und Datenschutz
BMBF Vernetzungstreffen “Interaktive Systeme in virtuellen und realen Räumen – Innovative Technologien für ein gesundes Leben”, 03.12.2020
Designing for Usable Security and Privacy in Smart Environments
Invited Talk at the Bosch Colloquium on User Experience and HMI Technologies, 01.12.2020
Authentication Beyond Desktop and Smartphone - How Trends in Ubiquitous Computing will Affect User-Centered Security
Invited Talk at the Usable Security and Privacy Day (USP’20), TU Berlin / Fraunhofer AISEC, 10.01.2020
Usable Security for the Elderly - How Trends in IT Security Will Affect an Ageing Society
Invited Talk at the Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposium (TUGFOSS’19), Leipzig, 27.10.2019
Digitale Medien? Aber Sicher!
Invited Talk at the Festkolloquium Medieninformatik 2019, LMU München, 15.07.2019
Das Cyber Cluster an der Universität der Bundeswehr
Invited Talk at the Weiterbildungslehrgang Cyberinformationsdienst, Feldafing, 13.12.2018
Ubiquitous Security - Opportunities and Challenges of Usable Security in the Ubiquitous Computing Age
Invited Talk at the Usable Security and Privacy Group, University of Bonn, 24.7.2018
Not yet another password, please! - Rethinking Authentication in the 21st Century
Invited Talk at the Science Match (Munich Security Conference), Munich, Germany, 15.02.2018 [Website]
Ubiquitous Security - Opportunities and Challenges of Usable Security in the Ubiquitous Computing Age
Candidate Talk at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 30.11.2017
Empirische Methoden in IT Sicherheit
Candidate Lecture at the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 30.11.2017
Informationsverarbeitung im 21. Jahrhundert - Unterstützung von Zugriff, Wahrnehmung, und Interaktion mit digitalen Informationen im Zeitalter Ubiquitärer Computer
Candidate Talk at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 18.05.2017
Ubiquitous Security - Chancen und Herausforderungen benutzbarer Sicherheit im Zeitalter ubiquitärer Computer
Candidate Talk at the Bundeswehr University, München, Germany, 23.02.2017
Informationsverarbeitung im 21. Jahrhundert - Unterstützung von Zugriff, Wahrnehmung, und Interaktion mit digitalen Informationen im Zeitalter Ubiquitärer Computer
Invited Talk at the HCILab Winter School 2017, Hirschegg, Österreich, 12.02.2017
Look, Touch, Wave - Novel Interaction Modalities for Large Interactive Displays
Invited Talk at the University of Palermo, Italy, 10.11.2016
Information Processing in the 21st century - Supporting people in Accessing, perceiving, and Interacting with digital media in public space
Candidate Lecture at the University of Ulm, Germany, 17.06.2016
Pervasive Displays - Towards Multimodal Interaction in Public Space
Invited Talk at the Bundeswehr University, München, Germany, 10.06.2016
Information Processing in the 21st century - Supporting people in Accessing, perceiving, and Interacting with digital media in public space
Candidate Lecture at the University of Regensburg, Germany, 28.04.2016
Deployment-based Research - Potential and Challenges of Conducting Research in the Wild
Invited Talk at the Bundeswehr University München, Germany, 09.03.2016
Gesture-based Interaction in Public Spaces
Open Games Workshop, LMU München, Germany, 09. December 2015
Between Requirements Engineering & User-Centered Design: How Pervasive Displays - Supporting Social Interaction in Public Space
Invited Talk at the Sino-German Symposium on Social Interactive Computing, DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany, 04. 04.2014
Open Pervasive Display Networks - Interaction with Large Screens in Public Space
Invited Talk at Munich Airport, Munich, 06.12.2013
Open Pervasive Display Networks - Interaction with Large Screens in Public Space
Invited Talk at the University of Oulu, Finland, 17.10.2013
Interactive Pervasive Displays - Towards Interfaces that make us smart
Invited Talk at the University of Hannover, 11.09.2013
Open Pervasive Display Networks - Lessons from the PD-Net Project
Invited Talk at the IDC of the LMU Munich, Venice, Italy, 23.09.2013
Pervasive Advertising - Chancen und Herausforderungen kontext-sensitiver Werbung am Beispiel interaktiver Grossbildschirme
4. Shopper-Marketig Kongress, Mainz, Germany, 11.06.2013
A Design Space for Pervasive Advertising on Public Displays
PhD Defense Presentation, University of Stuttgart, Germany, 07.12.2012
Towards Future Pervasive Display Networks
Innovationsforum BMBF, Telekom Innovation Labs, Berlin, Germany, 15.03.2011
Context-sensitive Advertising in Pervasive Computing Environments
Talk at the Doctoral Colloquium Nokia Research, Tampere, Finland, 25.02.2010
Context-sensitive Advertising in Pervasive Computing Environments
Talk at the Doctoral Colloquium Nokia Research, Oulu, Finland, 11.08.2008