Summer School on Usable Privacy and Security 2023
Together with Prof. Sameer Patil (University of Utah) and Prof. Jens Großklags (TU München) I organized the 2023 Post-CHI Summer School on Usable Privacy and Security.
The summer school included a mix of keynotes and lessons from prominent academic and industry scholars working on interdisciplinary research on topics within the domain of Usable Privacy and Security. Summer school students participated in guided hands-on activities for applying what they have learned to devise novel solutions and/or research ideas for addressing practical challenges in privacy and security. The summer school additionally included an excursion to the world’s longest castle and a visit to Google in Munich.

MUM 2018
Together with Prof. Slim Abdennadher I hosted the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2018) in Cairo, Egypt, as general chair. The conference took place at the German University in Cairo (GUC) between November 25 – November 28, 2018.
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings together experts from both academia and industry for a fruitful exchange of ideas and discussion on future challenges, in a comfortable and effective single-track conference format.

Link to website:
UIST School 2018
I organized the UIST School 2018 in the context of the UIST 2018 conference in Berlin, Germany.
The purpose of the UIST School was to invite young academics to get to know the UIST community and obtain new research skills. Participants of the UIST School enjoyed a week full of exciting talks and hands-on sessions in the vibrant city of Berlin (Germany).
In particular, participants were introduced to topics evolving around physiological interaction. Introductory lecture were given by the following established members of the UIST community: Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab), Kristina Höök (KTH Stockholm), Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg), Sarah Blum (Universität Oldenburg), Lewis Chuang (LMU Munich), Albrecht Schmidt (LMU Munich) and Pedro Lopes (University of Chicago).
Apart from introductory lectures, participants worked on group projects in the context of a 24h hackathon, organized by gTec. Outcomes of the hackathon were presented by participants at the welcome reception on the eve of UIST 2018.

Link to website: